Category: Uncategorized

  • One More Song

    As I dance by myself in the kitchen under the midnight light, listening to a song that I haven’t heard in years, I enjoy the way the sound seeps into my soul. I think about how good it would feel to fall in love again. I reflect on how, even if I have already dedicated… Read more

  • He Doesn’t Even Care!

    … I foolishly thought that meant my emotions would now become more logical. I thought that once I wasn’t overcome by them, that I would be able to control them because I would be able to logic my way in or out of them.  Apparently, (and this is news to me), by definition, emotions are… Read more

  • “All your scars”

    As we sat in the back of his Nissan Altima, parked at some South Florida university, he took my hands and began examining my fingers. He wondered about the scar on my ring finger. Read more